Learn from mental health professionals.
We offer live virtual and in-person Mental Health & wellbeing, DEIB, and Emotional Intelligence trainings led by professional therapists, customized to the needs of your organization.
We prioritize authentic interaction, providing the support and resources you'll need to navigate tense issues in a way that yields growth.
What participants are saying...
My gender and culture both are in the minority here, but the openness to discuss and have your team articulate the problems using a solution focused lens - which is practical and feasible for us all - has been very helpful. I left the session very inspired and motivated, but more hopeful for the possibility of change.
Thank you for providing the space for the Leadership Team to connect, reflect and take-on additional resources as we continue to lead on this curvey uncharted path. If we don't take care of ourselves we are not offering our full selves personally or professionally.
The educational component of this training gave our people the tools to counteract burnout and compassion fatigue, took away the stigma around it, and left our team with a sense of hope. People felt comfortable being themselves, discussing questions out loud, and feeling understood.
We offer 3 types of workshops.
Psychological Safety
As we explore more deeply together, we create a safe and supportive environment to be a participant with facilitators equipped to guide people into authentic and engaged interaction.
Trauma-Informed Care
Trainings that navigate difficult topics may bring up past traumas, conflicts, or triggers. We create safe spaces and manage such discussions with sensitivity and ethical concern.
Professional Expertise
Emotions are complex. We have therapeutic knowledge and real-life experience to help us teach tense concepts.
Why train with a therapist?
Change happens when we address underlying emotions. As therapists, we're uniquely equipped to guide your team through that journey. We bring:

Interactive Facilitation
As trained therapeutic facilitators, we lead interactive activities, group discussions, and role-plays to foster deeper exploration and experiential learning.
Individualized Guidance
Growth often requires personalized guidance and feedback. We can provide individualized support and insights that consider the specific challenges and strengths of each participant.
Nuanced Skills
Emotions-focused growth involves nuanced skills such as self-awareness and empathy. As therapists, we help participants understand these skills and learn how to apply them in real life.

Get Started Today!
We want to meet the specific needs of your company or organization. Fill out our training interest form and Erin will be in touch soon to schedule an interest call.

Erin Foster SHRM-CP
Client Engagement Director

© 2024 Artesian Collaborative, LLC